Thank you, I just took a Flash class and your site is inspiring me to look at animation in a different way. I especially like Vloom, it shows the pulse of life.
I think I saw an entry in between this post and vloom from the rss feed called steps, it seems to be removed from the blog but I was really liking what I was seeing. :(
Torlando--blame Photobucket. That post was an animation of details from nude photos of ca. 1920, and Photobucket decided that one of the gifs that was part of it violated their terms of service.
I'd be happy to give you a file of it if you want to see it. I'll probably have it in a show in September anyway.
"Andrei Molotiu's comics are absolute marvels: hotbeds of evolving ambiguity where one never knows what disturbing or witty interaction between abstraction of objects and objects of abstraction is about to take place. Each time I've opened them I've been utterly absorbed, that is, drawn into places where I had no power other than to become what I was looking at. What he does is superb." --Harry Mathews
"I love artists that break the rules and Andrei Molotiu breaks them all, with mind-bending and beautiful results." --Scott McCloud
Thank you, I just took a Flash class and your site is inspiring me to look at animation in a different way. I especially like Vloom, it shows the pulse of life.
I think I saw an entry in between this post and vloom from the rss feed called steps, it seems to be removed from the blog but I was really liking what I was seeing. :(
Torlando--blame Photobucket. That post was an animation of details from nude photos of ca. 1920, and Photobucket decided that one of the gifs that was part of it violated their terms of service.
I'd be happy to give you a file of it if you want to see it. I'll probably have it in a show in September anyway.
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